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Budget Friendly Ingredients You Need in your Kitchen

budget friendly ingredients- eggs, flour, pasta.

Budget friendly ingredients to always keep in your home. If you only bought these things, you can make almost anything. They are the foundation of most meals and many recipes would only call for a few extra ingredients. This list of budget friendly ingredients was made for anyone who might need it: the college student moving away from home for the first time, the newlywed who wants to take cooking more seriously while remaining money conscious, or the mom (or dad) who wants to change the life of their family and make healthy meals at home without breaking the bank.

Budget friendly PANTRY staples






Baking soda

Baking powder (my favorite)

Canned goods- Tomato products (paste, sauce, diced), beans, and chiles are all items that I keep stocked.


Gravy packets

Simple Spices- Salt, pepper, Oregano, thyme, parsley, italian, garlic powder, chili powder, cayenne pepper, onion powder, paprika, & turmeric (spice starter kit)

Stocks/broths (chicken, vegetable, beef)


Budget friendly FRESH ingredients

Animal products




Heavy cream

Cheese (large blocks and shred yourself as needed)

Roots, Fruits, & Vegetables







Bell peppers

budget friendly ingredients- berries

Budget friendly FROZEN goods

Ground beef

Chicken breasts

Fruits- berries

Veggies- peas, corn, green beans, broccoli

What did you think about these budget friendly pantry staples? Would you have organized any items differently? There were a few that I felt could go in more than one category. Are there any items you would add to this list? These are all budget friendly things that I always keep in my home and on my grocery list! Fresh fruit is one that my toddler requires off the list, however frozen fruit is much more budget friendly.

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