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Ways to reduce your grocery bill.

your grocery bill

3 things you can do to reduce your grocery bill and food waste

Make a plan!

First things first, you have to have a plan! Reduce your grocery bill by planning your meals ahead of time. I usually meal plan for two weeks’ worth of groceries 2 days before getting paid. I create two different lists, a weekly menu and the grocery list of ingredients that create those meals. Make a list and do not stray from it! Review your family’s needs, double check that the list has everything, and account for any extras you may have missed. I usually run the list by my husband and ask him if there is anything I missed or that he would like. Once I have accounted for all recipes, snacks (the best), and other misc. household needs I place my pickup order with confidence. Taking time to plan your meals bi-weekly eliminates food waste and shows you exactly where your money is going.

Use an app!

Step number two when reducing your grocery bill is using mobile apps and curbside pickup to grocery shop! This allows you to quickly find the best deals, see the grand total as you add items to your cart, and say goodbye to price shock at check out. You know, the kind that leaves you questioning how you are going to pay for anything else ever again.

Another plus side to grocery shopping with mobile apps is the ability to request and receive a refund. I love that you can do this from the convenience of your own home. For example, last time I shopped at Walmart I ordered nectarines because they were on sale. When I got home and unloaded my groceries, I found the nectarines to be completely rotten and moldy. I was able to hop on the app and request a refund no questions asked! This ability blew me away and left me feeling a little less snubbed. Getting a refund when needed is a great way to reduce your grocery bill!

Find similar ingredients.

Last but not least, while I am meal planning for the week, I do my best to make meals that use similar ingredients to one another. I have found this tip to be one of the most effective ways to reduce my grocery bill. When I have used this trick in conjunction with the other two tips, I have been able to successfully get my family through very tough times. There is no worse feeling than buying one of those gigantic tubs of spinach only to use a handful of it in one meal and find yourself tossing it 8 days later!

I would love to hear how these tips have helped you reduce your grocery bill! Comment below your experience and any tips you would add to this list. If you found these useful and want to learn about some staple ingredients to keep in your pantry and reuse in your meals throughout the week, visit this blog post that details those ingredients.

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